Platform maintenance MediaLab Cloud
Scheduled Maintenance Report for MediaLab
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jan 05, 2022 - 00:00 CET
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jan 04, 2022 - 20:00 CET
Note: The following maintenance only applies to customers running on the MediaLab Cloud platform. Any customers on the public cloud, hybrid cloud or on-premise platforms are NOT impacted.

During this holiday season we are upgrading MediaLab Cloud to a new hardware platform. While we do our best to minimize the impact of the migration, there may be some noticeable impact for clients on this platform. Some capacity will be scaled down during the migrations and transcoding may take longer than expected. Up- and download speeds may be reduced or experience packet loss / increased error rates.

Please be aware that we will be migrating to a new IP range for up-, downloads and FTP transfers. While the subdomains will be updated accordingly, if you have local DNS caching or hard-coded IP addresses this may cause issues.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please note that is available for our customers to quickly share files during this period, and will not be impacted by this maintenance. If necessary we can provide CDN caching or temporary capacity on our public cloud platform to reduce the impact. Please contact us for specific questions.
Posted Dec 30, 2021 - 12:07 CET
This scheduled maintenance affected: Media Zone - AMS-01 (Uploads (HTTPS)) and Media Zone - Azure (Uploads (FTPS), Downloads).